Electricity…. (or not)!!!

Electricity!….. Something we simply take for granted. How we suffer when there is a power cut and life comes to a stop!

But for many people, this, of course is not the case.

As mentioned in my recent post, The Uros of Lake Titicaca, Lucho has lived for many years without electricity. His solar panel now provides him with a light source and the possibility to charge his phone.

Lucho with his solar panel.

In another post, ” José Luis – King of his Land (Latest News) I mentioned how elated Jose Luis was when he saw lighting was going to be  installed outside  his house and saw that they would soon be installing wiring and an electric meter in his house. They had already marked the place on the wall where the meter would be installed.

Yesterday, José Luis contacted me by Whatsapp to say that at long last the meter and wiring had been installed, allowing him to have light to work on his weaving looms during evening hours.

And here it is installed.

No longer will he have to walk into town to charge his mobile phone.

However, for Jose Luis, the biggest change…… that will save him hours and hours of work each week……. will be the possibility of using an electric water pump to irrigate his land, The pump would draw the water from the two wells that he has dug hmself,  and take the water to the crops on the slopes above the wells.

Jose Luis had of course,  found some ingenious ways of solving this watering problem without using  a water pump,  However, although  these methods achieve the purpose, they take up an  enormous  amount of time.

Although he now has electricity,  he will also need to buy the water pump, which is not within his present means. So near to a solution but at the same time, still at a distance! Prices for water pumps may well be cheaper in Lima so I will look around and see what I can find.  I have already found out that there are different kinds, centrifugal pumps and peripheral pumps so this will be a new learning experience for both of us!

So, in conclusion, next time you switch on the telly, or the washing machine, give a thought to Lucho and Jose Luis and the millions more that don’t have the  luxury of taking such things as electricity for granted. Must finish now, not at home……writing on my tablet and the battery is low. Forgot to bring my charger!

Here for reference are the previous posts!

6 responses to “Electricity…. (or not)!!!”

  1. Not sure I would feel safe with electricity in some of those homes, lol


  2. So true, our reliance is such that when there is no electricity we are completely stumped.
    You and I both experienced the frequent blackouts of the 80s in Peru. At that time water was not a guaranteed service either. It has left me with an eternal moment of gratitude whenever I turn on a tap and cleam water flows out.


  3. I think more frequently about electricity when the supply is threatened by an electrical storm. Ironically, the neighborhood’s supply can be interrupted by lightning.


  4. We often see in our travels that people live with no or limited electricity. We notice the hardships they endure but also how they adapt and survive. Here in Canada we take it for granted, but we realize we’re lucky. Maggie


  5. Electricity is crucial to civilization; honestly, I don’t think we would survive more than a few hours without it! Fascinating to learn how the Uros didn’t live with electricity until just recently!


  6. Electricity is a big time saver for sure and we take it for granted. This is a big game-changer in the lives of Lucho and Jose Luis.


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