Flight of the Flutterby.

A walk in the Peruvian high jungle heading for a distant waterfall! Everything is vibrant green. At times the high trees and dense foliage hide the light and everything seems dark. Small, concentrated beams do however, finding their way between the leaves, A long way below the narrow, winding trail, the noise of the rushing river fills our ears.

My right knee is a bit wobbly, and the going is a bit more difficult than experienced on previous visits….. but the thought of seeing the towering cascade of crashing water spurs me on.

Suddenly she exclaims, “Look…. the blue butterfly!” She had been talking about blue butterflies before setting out and now, right in front of us, one was flying tantalizingly nearby but out of reach. I strode forward heroically….. but then looked down at the river far below, and then forwards at our narrow path covered with tree roots and jutting rocks. I remembered vividly with a shiver, my experience last year when I slid down a similar incline in Bosnia with little way of climbing out. My newly found good sense told me to slow down, grab a nearby tree and say goodbye to the blue beauty as it flitted away between the trees.

However, butterflies are simply wonderful creatures, and I remembered visiting a “Mariposario” (Butterfly Reserve) in the nearby town of La Merced on past trips. With this in mind, I relaxed my stride and wobbled on to the waterfall but with the idea that I would search for the butterfly photos on my return to Lima. And here they are!

I apologise for knowing nothing about butterfies apart from the fact that they start life as caterpillars, grow wings….. and just look spectacular.

Indeed the colours and their movements from plant to plant were enough for me.

The sight of these creature brings us a feeling of joy. They have a short life-span but their often vibrant colours give us so much pleasure.

As well as having the pleasure of observing these butterflies, I also enjoyed seeing the happy faces of the students who were accompanying me on this field trip.

They had passed the continental divide over the mountains and plunged down into the jungle of Chanchamayo, so different from the desert landscape they were familiar with in Lima. For many, this was their first trip to this lush green jungle region of Peru.

Yes, Lima has many beautiful parks but nothing to compare with the wildness of this landscape which is home to these beautiful creatures. It is no wonder that I simply find myself, returning….returning… and returning yet again!

As mentioned towards the beginning of this tale, I suffered a very unfortunate encounter with a precipice in Bosnia last year. For details of what not to do on a road trip…… read on!

6 responses to “Flight of the Flutterby.”

  1. Timothy Price Avatar
    Timothy Price

    Wondering around the jungle sounds like fun. Beautiful butterfly photos.


    1. My favourite place in Peru!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gorgeous! Butterflies are colorful beauties worth capturing on camera…and in your eyes! Glad you had a great time seeing them all (safely, of course)!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You have several photos of monarch butterflies. Monarchs are amazing creatures that migrate by the hundreds over hundreds of miles.


    1. Thanks for the info. Didn’t know that they are travellers as well. Amazing!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. The butterflies are beautiful.


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